"Spirit Level" by Pam Valentine is a comedy about Jack and Susie - two ghost hanging around in their old cottage house after drowning in a boating accident. They are refused entry into heaven because Jack is an atheist. Life after life is dull and long - for the time being their only pleasure is to scare estate agent and potential any would-be tenants. One day a young couple appears and will change existence of Jack and Susie. Since that moment everything is a bit topsy curvy in this country side.
director: Soňa Ferancová
translation: Danica Haláková
dramaturgy: Iveta Škripková
costumes: Simona Vachálková
set: Peter Janků
music: Longital
Jack Cameron: Ján Gallovič
Susie Cameronová: Sláva Daubnerová
Mark Webster: Martin Hronský
Simon Willis: Richard Stanke
Flic Willis: Ivana Kuxová / Zuzana Norisová
Marcia Bradshawová: Táňa Radeva
Strážny anjel: Karin Haydu
Premiere: 16.10.2015 Aréna Theatre Bratislava