Landestheater Niederösterreich
Jean-Paul Sartre's Adaptation of Euripides’s The Trojan Women
Director: Sláva Daubnerová
Set und Video: Lugh Amber Wittig
Costumes: Cedric Mpaka
Musik: Stroon
Dramaturgy: Ján Šimko, Julia Engelmayer
Helena: Laura Laufenberg
Andromache: Julia Kreusch
Kassandra: Caroline Baas
Talthybios: Julian Tzschentke
Menelaos: Sven Kaschte
Hekabe: Bettina Kerl
Premiere: Fri, 1. March 2024
foto: Luiza Puiu
Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe
Gabriel (1839) is a romantic and adventurous play about a woman's struggle for freedom and love. Raised as a Renaissance prince, Gabriel gives up her entitlement and assumes a feminine identity to satisfy the demands of her male lover. A prescient protofeminist dramatic treatment of gender, the play makes a passionate plea for female equality in education and opportunity.
Director: Sláva Daubnerová
Set designer: Sebastian Hannak
Costume designer: Natalia Kitamikado
Music: Felix Kusser
Choreography: Milan Tomášik
Kampfchoreografie: Annette Bauer
Lighting design: Christoph Pöschko
Dramaturge: Anna Haas
Photo: Felix Grünschloß, Sebastian Hannak
Premiere: April 15, 2022
Gabriel von Bramante: Swana Rode, Jules von BramanteGunnar Schmidt, Tutor: André Wagner, Marc: Jens Koch, Astolphe von Bramante: Andrej Agranovski, Antonio: André Wagner, Settimia/ Faustina: Ute Baggeröhr, Brother Come: André Wagner
SWR2 - Marie - Dominique Wetzel: Gabriel“ von George Sand am Badischen Staatstheater Karlsruhe — Zwischen den Geschlechtern
BNN.DE - Andreas Jüttner: Spielerisches Stück zur Gender-Debatte: „Gabriel“ am Staatstheater Karlsruhe
THEATER HEUTE - Andreas Jüttner: Überraschend unterhaltsam
Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe
"A future which is none; it is the present."
Inspired by the presidential election in the USA, Nobel Prize laureate Elfriede Jelinek dedicates herself to the "kings" of this world in her current play On the Royal Road (Am Königsweg). "Elected is elected," but how could it happen?
Photos: Felix Grünschloß, Sebastian Hannak Director: Sláva Daubnerová Set designer: Sebastian Hannak Costume designer: Amit Epstein Music: Damon Lee Video: Moritz Ermert Dramaturgie: Sonja Winkel, Stefanie Frauwallner Premiere: 24 th November 2018 Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe
Festivals: Forum am Schlosspark Ludwigsburg
“Badisches Staatstheater - Elfriede Jelinek - Am Königsweg Am Badischen Staatstheater hatte „Am Königsweg“ in der Inszenierung der slowakischen Regisseurin Sláva Daubnerová eine heftig beklatschte Premiere vor vollem Haus. Jelineks Text hinterfragt, analysiert und seziert Sprache und Ausdruck. Er fand seinen Ausdruck in einer stimmigen und sehr ausdrucksstarken Kombination von abstraktem Bühnenbild, Elektro-Sound, Licht, Video-Einblendungen, unheilschwangerer Musik und sexualisierten Kostümen …Viel Denkstoff und intellektuelle Herausforderung, die das Premierenpublikum mit großer Konzentration und viel Applaus annahm.” Uta Volz, Pforzheimer Zeitung
“Regie führte die slowakische Regisseurin, Autorin und Schauspielerin Sláva Daubnerová. „Am Königsweg“ war ihre erste Inszenierung in Deutschland. Jelineks Stück gibt keine Rollen vor. Diese Freiheit nutzte Daubnerová, um sich über die Kanäle Sound, Bühnenbild, Stimme, Kostüm, Licht, Choreographie und Video regelrecht auszutoben…Das Stück „Am Königsweg“ ist nervenaufreibend, modern, skurril und rutscht teilweise in die Absurdität. Die Inszenierung ist eigenartig einzigartig, kraftvoll und modern. Das Schauspiel ist erstklassig und zeugt von harter Arbeit und sehr präzisem Timing. Die gesamte Szenerie, kombiniert mit dem Schauspiel und der genutzten Technik, bringt das Publikum dazu, über die gesamte Zeit zu verstummen, um in Ehrfurcht und mit Spannung das große Spektakel zu beobachten.” Diana Birk, Südwest Presse
Original documentary theatre play written for Slovak National Theatre by Sláva Daubnerová
Written and directed by:Sláva Daubnerová Set design:Sláva Daubnerová Dramaturgy:Daniel Majling Costumes:Simona Vachálková Videoart: Andrej Kolenčík Music: Marek Piaček Movement collaboration: Stanislava Vlčeková Opening night: 27 and 28 of May 2017 Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava
Cast: Ingrid Timková, Ján Gallovič, Štefan Bučko, Anna Maľová, Emil Horváth, Božidara Turzonovová, Dominika Kavaschová, Ondrej Kovaľ, Zuzana Kocúriková, Kamila Magálová, Marián Geišberg, Ondrej Kovaľ, Henrieta Kolláriková
Awards: Sláva Daubnerová nominated for The best scenography 2017 in the critics' prize Dosky Award 2017, Sláva Daubnerová nominated as an author and director for Tatra Banka Foundation Prize for Art 2017.
Festivals: The International Theatre Festival Eurokontext 2017
On a once quiet street opera arias resound from a house every morning at six, reverberating around the street until evening. The neighbours are desperate. The mysterious owner of the house who plays these arias has terrorized the surroundings in this unusual way for 15 years. Rumours about her abound. No one knows exactly what she actually does. There are rumours that an old dispute with neighbours and dogs barking are behind it all, having caused the occupant of the singing house headaches. Since justice has failed, she has decided to exact cruel revenge. Revenge that has lasted for 15 years. She allegedly rarely leaves home. Some say that she doesn’t live in the house at all and lives in another city. The haunted “singing house” is allegedly in fact empty. She supposedly monitors her suffering neighbours through a camera from the comfort of another home. Others theorize that she is dead and the mystery concerning the "musical house" can be explained mystically. The Singing house by Slovak director Sláva Daubnerová is based on real events, but wants to look at it as the musical story of a small community of people and individuals who for unclear reasons one day turn against the community.
Ten Slovak directors and Ten Commandments presented in the non-traditional premises of the Slovak National Theatre. The aim of the project is to present ten approximately twenty minutes long pieces – meditations (disputes, variations) on topics and motifs of the Ten Commandments. They should be influenced by various opinions and perspectives. They should present a statement how one generation of stage directors views the rules that used to define the moral and legislative standards in the Western societies in last 2 000 years.
Directors and authors: Anna Petrželková, Kamil Žiška, Ján Luterán, Sláva Daubnerová, Iva Jurčová, Lukáš Brutovský, Anti Korenči / Juraj Bielik, Marián Amsler, Júlia Rázusová, Michal Vajdička
Dramaturgy: Miriam Kičiňová and Daniel Majling Sets and costumes: Annamária Juhásová and Tom Ciller Music: Vladislav Šarišský Premiere: May 31 2014 Slovak National Theatre Bratislava
Author, director and visual concept: Sláva Daubnerová Cast: Vladimír Obšil
Awards: Nomination in the category The Best Male Actor - Dosky Award 2014 for Vladimír Obšil, Newcomer of the Season 2013/2014 in Dosky Award for dramaturges Miriam Kičinová and Daniel Majling
In commemoration of the 70thanniversary of Slovak National Uprising, Aréna Theatre invited prominent playwrights to create one-act plays on this event. Works by Pavel Kohout, Ľubomír Feldek, Michal Hvorecký, Eva Maliti-Fraňová, Sláva Daubnerová, Martin Čičvák and Peter Lomnický have been selected for stage adaptation, while Sláva Daubnerováwas in charge of the directorial concept, uniting the works into a single homogeneous piece.
The Slovak National Uprising (Slovak: Slovenské národné povstanie, abbreviated SNP) or 1944 Uprising was an armed insurrection organized by the Slovak resistance movement during World War II. In the post-war period, many political entities, mainly the Communists, attempted to "hijack" the uprising to their credit. The Stalinist regime in Czechoslovakia presented the Uprising as an event initiated and governed by Communist forces. Slovak ultranationalists, on the other hand, claim that the uprising was a plot against the Slovak nation, as one of its main objectives was to oust the regime of the puppet Slovak state and reestablish Czechoslovakia, in which Slovaks were dominated by Czechs. In fact, many factions fought in the uprising, the largest of which were units of the Slovak Army, Democratic resistance and Communist partisans, and international forces. Given this factionalization, the Uprising did not have unambiguous popular support. Yet the participants and supporters of the Uprising represented every religion, class, age, and anti-Nazi political faction of the Slovak nation.
Director: Sláva Daubnerová
Dramaturgy: Zuzana Šajgalíková
Choreography: Stanislava Vlčeková
Set: Juraj Kuchárek
Costumes: Martin Kotúček
Music and sound design: Matej Gyarfáš
Video research: Sláva Daubnerová
Video mapping: Alex Zelina
Video postproduction: Lukáš Kodoň
Cast: Sláva Daubnerová, Mariana Mackurová, Mária Šamajová, Peter Brajerčík, Martin Hronský, Marián Prevendarčík, VladimírSadílek, Tomáš Vravník, Vladimír Zboroň a Jakub Ďurkáč
Premiere: August 28 2014, Aréna Theatre Bratislava
foto: Šymon Kliman
The trilogy of the same name by contemporary Catalan playwright Esteve Soler was the inspiration for an interactive theatre form first shown at the DOX Centre for Contemporary Art. The trilogy consists of some twenty thematically-connected plays that take place in all kinds of spaces , in a variety of genres including drama, puppet and shadow theatre, movement performance, sound installation and film. Over twenty actors, dancers and puppeteers, five artists and eight directors took part in the production
Directors: Marián Amsler, Ivan Buraj, Natália Deáková, Martina Schlegelová, Daniel Špinar, Sláva Daubnerová, Jana Špalová a JQr
Esteve Soler: Mud
direction and visual concept: Sláva Daubnerová
cast: Dominika Doniga, Lukáš Pelč, Renata Ptačin
Premiere June 13th, 2014 in the DOX centre Prague
Sláva Daubnerová's new play Twilight of Males is dedicated to all lovers of gangster films, weekend carpenters, husbands and fathers, ruthless tigers at workplace and in bed, but also to those who would like to escape from it all to deep woods. The director claims a newspaper article as the original inspiration for her and dramaturg Anna Saavedra. They learned that through synthetic estrogens contained in hormonal contraception – which enters drinking water by agency of women's urine – males of many species begin turning into females or hermaphrodites.
Written, directed by: Sláva Daubnerová Setdesign and costumes: Sláva Daubnerová Dramaturgy: Anna Saavedra Choreography: Emil Leeger Video: Jan Sebeš Cast: Cyril Drozda, Jan Grundman, Marián Chalány, Jan Lepšík, Jiří M. Valůšek Opening night: October 5, 2012 HaDivadlo, Brno, Czech Republic
Selected festivals: Pro-téza – festival of author’s theatre Bratislava 2013 Bratislava
“Restart – this is how HaDivadlo dubbed the opening of the new season. It commenced on October 5, 2012, with Slovak director and performer Sláva Daubnerová's original work Twilight of Males. Sociobiological and civilization influences, emancipation of women – and a whole slew of other factors including changes in traditional social roles, positions and relations between women and men lead to glum visions, reflecting upon whether “man as a defined biological species” still exists; whether some kind of males' twilight isn't taking place. Under the director's guidance, with dramaturgy by Anna Saavedra, the experimental theatre's collective approached this complex, social-psychological issue chiefly by means of visual performance.” Jaroslav Štepaník
“Slovak author Sláva Daubnerová's new Twilight of Males was a big success at its opening night on October 5 in Brno's HaDivadlo. A collaboration with dramaturg Anna Saavedra, the work is inspired by an article in the Respekt magazine, dealing with the changing rate of male to female fish in ponds, caused by contamination. The problem lies in hormonal contraception containing synthetic estrogens. These enter drinking water through urine and cause a catastrophe – disproportionately more females are being born. Considering this fact, Daubnerová points to the human males, and whether these are endangered as well. Is a twilight of males drawing near?” Krystína Kolibová
“Daubnerová works with a number of types. We can recognize the typical Czech (and Slovak) “handyman”, businessmen, metrosexuals, homosexuals, sensitive and tender guys, but also brutes. And they are not simply listed – through personal histories, the men testify about themselves. In these testimonies, men uncover their “sensitive side” as well, they speak candidly about family, fear, success and failure. Daubnerová does not judge or moralize, she simply speaks out about the contemporary man, through the general, she arrives at the concrete.” Saša Štefková
Unique site specific project of the four well-known Slovak independent theatres. Pôtoň Theatre, Debris Company, Honey and dust and Sláva Daubnerová joined together to create the artistic work MIRACLES. Three kilometres, three hours, four acting troupes, four settings – a lake, a school, a church, a meadow and a magical nocturnal wandering in searching for miracles, the unique project, that took place in Bátovce village.
Premiere: May 7 2017 , Bátovce village